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Lens dimensions Length 57.9mm Width 38.7mm Height 38.8mm Camera drawing   3D models 3...


Camera dimensions Length 91.4mm Width 59.4mm Height 54.0mm Camera drawing 3D models 3D...


Lightweight and compact USB powered, self sufficient 5.1~47mm motorized zoom lens camera kit for ...


Black anodized aluminium body and stainless steel shaft Anti-oxidizing electrical system covered...


Approach direction ±X, ±Y, ±Z Repeatability 2 µm Trigger force Axial=5 N, Radial=1 N Weight...


Lightweight, USB powered, self sufficient 5~100mm motorized zoom lens camera kit for day/night op...

GRBL motion settings

Recommended GRBL parameters Motion controller needs to know about actuator capabilities. Assume...

SCE2-BREAKOUT demo board

SCE2-BREAKOUT is a fully integrated stepper motor controller module carrier board for quick SCE2-...

Automating tasks

Python g-code sender Automating tasks can be done with Python script. Below is script example to...

GRBL motion settings

Recommended GRBL parameters Motion controller needs to know about actuator capabilities. GRBL p...

Drive train specifications

Belt reducer RSB1 has GT2 belt in order to transfer power to plate. 12/60 tooth pulleys provide ...


RSB1 rotary actuator can be ordered directly on Kurokesu e-store


RJ45 pinout Pin Signal 1 GND 2 5V 3 SIG1 4 A1 5 A2 6 SIG2 7 B1 8 B2 SIG1 is us...


System On Module (SOM) design Fully integrated, ready to use 4 stepper motors drivers, up to 1/...


SCE2-M module DSLR control headers SCE2-MOTION has 4 outputs available. Controller is shipped...


Firmware is open-source GRBL based running on STM32 microcontroller.

Power supply

Controller can drive up to 1.2A per channel, thus max power demand when all 4 motors are driven a...

Default GRBL settings

Each actuator combination needs individual settings to be fine tuned. Below settings are for: RS...


Compact design with extra heat dissipation capabilities. Dimensions: 64 x 58 x 16.5mm Weight: 8...


SCE2-MOTION is a compact controller designed for robotic photography, controls motor actuators, a...